The fifth session of Malankara Mar Thoma-Jacobite Syrian Churches Dialogue was held in Poolatheen, Tiruvalla. His Holiness Catholicose Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I and His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan presided over the meeting.
Very Rev. Dr. Kuriakose Cor-Episcopa, Rev. George Mathew Kuttiyil and Rev. Sunnie E. Mathew presented papers on the Theology of Holy Communion
Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa, Dr. Kuriakose Mar Theophilos, Mathews Mar Aprem, Mathew Mar Anthimos, Vary Rev. Dr. Cherian Thomas, Very Rev. Dr. Adai Jacob Cor- Episcopa, Mar Thoma Sabha Secretary Rev. Oommen Philip paricipated in discussions.
His Holiness Catholicose Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I and His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan unveiled the portrait of Arch Cor Episcopo Most Rev. Dr. Curien Kaniamparambil in connection with Achen’s contribution towards the Translation of the liturgical songs from Syriac to Malayalam.