His Grace the Most Rev. Titus I Mar Thoma Metropolitan

Titus I Mar Thoma escaped death narrowly on two occasions. The first instance was when the church building collapsed when he was resting in the Maramon Church. The other was when the roof of the room in which he was sleeping was set on fire by some miscreants. The Metropolitan could coolly face adversities since he had deep faith in God. He had the support of faithful and dedicated friends among the clergy and laity. One of the most important of them was Vicar General Ipe Thoma Cathanar, an outstanding personality with a record of distinguished service to the Church and the State.
The constitutions of the Mar Thoma Church were drawn up on democratic principles, retaining the Episcopal tradition, during his regime. The official publication of the Church called ‘Malankara Sabha Tharaka’ (Star of the Malanakara Church) was launched under the editorship of Mr. K.N. Daniel who was an able exponent of reformation principles. Titus I was a Saintly Bishop noted for his deep devotion, intimate fellowship with God and love towards all people. He passed away in 1909.