An Online meeting to felicitate the Rank holders (Department of History and Archaeology) from the MarThoma College of Women Perumbavoor of M. G. University was held on 21-08-2020.
Miss. Payal Kumari (1st Rank), Anjitha Ravi (2nd Rank), Ramya Santhosh (3rd Rank), Fasna M. M. ( 8th Rank) and Angelmol Davis (9th Rank) had made exceptional achievement. The achievement Miss. Payal Kumari, who secured first rank in History hold a remarkable place in the history of Kerala as she was the first rank holder who was raised from a family of migrant workers.
His Grace the Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan presided over the meeting. Tirumeni remembered the beginning days of this college and the great visionaries behind the great institution. Tirumeni commented that the exceptional achievement of Miss. Payal Kumari shows the importance of an educational institution in the transformation of the society
Dr. K.T. Jaleel, Hon’ble Minister of Higher Education, Government of Kerala inaugurated the felicitation meeting. Minister congratulated the rank holders, staff and management for this exceptional achievement. Minister informed that the first open university of Kerala will be functional in this year so that it will be beneficial for many.
Prof. Dr. Sabu Thomas, Vice Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi University, Rev. George Abraham, General Secretary MTEA, Dr. Gigi George Principal and Dr. Anupama P. Co-ordinator IQAC and HoD-Physics delivered felicitation speeches in the meeting.