This is a flagship scheme being launched by our Church this year with the approval of the Sabha Mandalam. Through this scheme the Church intends to respond to one of the most pressing and acute needs of our day.  Recent times have witnessed alarming increase of major ailments like cancer, kidney and heart diseases. These diseases, while affecting the extremely poor around us, pose a more painful and serious challenge before Church. Prohibitively high and escalating expenses of medicine, treatment, hospitalization etc. make it practically impossible for the poor to have adequate treatment and they are left without any hope of cure, needed attention or survival. Thousands are languishing in such a miserable plight. There are cases where people take their lives in order to escape the pain, trauma and financial burden involved, for them as well as for the members of their family.

Being true to the glorious tradition of our Church we have decided to respond to this extremely pathetic situation faced by our fellow humans, because as Christ’s disciples who are controlled and motivated by his sacrificial love, we can ill afford to ignore such a grave human crisis. Thus it was that the Major Ailments Fund has been set up. With the enormity of the need in view, we have decided to raise this fund substantially to the tune of Rs.30 lacs, this year.

Members of the Mar Thoma Church and all concerned the world over, are hereby appealed to join this noble venture by contributing generously and urgently to this Fund as more and more people are succumbing to such maladies and the sufferings keep escalating day by day. Please remember that the loving service rendered sacrificially to the least around us is real service done to our Lord.

Contributions may please be made through Mar Thoma Public and Charitable Trust in order to avail 80G Tax Exemption as per Income Tax Regulations (The Secretary, Mar Thoma Public and

Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church

Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church

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